Little Nieces
She is the only daughter of my eldest half brother living in Cebu City.

She is the only daughter of my eldest brother who works overseas.

She is the only daughter of my sister who lives in the US
Is solace anywhere more comforting than in the arms of a sister. ~Alice Walker
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It’s not them, nor you it’s Me or Us rather.
Being single can be sensational.. this is what I read in one of the article I read online. You perhaps wondering why you are still single and thought that the right man hasn’t come yet for you, or you may tell yourself there’s no one worthy in your area or that all the good ones are taken. The truth, however, is that the problem may just be you. This is really true in some way. We are not ugly fugly sisters but I think we are just too picky thats why we are still single now. Well, for the record atleast we have boyfriends waaaaaaaaaaaa.
Before you go raising your arms in defense, spouting about what a great catch you think you are, let down your guard and ask yourself if any of the following sound familiar. After all, you may actually be the catch of the century, but what does that matter if nobody else gets to know it?! Do you wanna know the 3 reasons why you, you you are still single? Here you go;
You Project Being Too Together
Everyone wants to put their best foot forward, sure … but there’s a difference between being your best you and making yourself seem so together (read: set in your ways) that you don’t need — or have room for — anyone in your life. What you may consider your strengths might just be signals that you’re fine just as you are. As a result, prospective partners might believe that they should keep on walking, since odds are they won’t measure up to your standards. Sound familiar? Is your schedule is so rigid that you can’t bend it to accommodate a date? Is your checklist is so precise that you turn partners away for the wrong hair color or shoes? Your vision of exactly how things should be might just be getting in the way of how they could be.
1~You Project Being Too Together
Everyone wants to put their best foot forward, sure … but there’s a difference between being your best you and making yourself seem so together (read: set in your ways) that you don’t need — or have room for — anyone in your life. What you may consider your strengths might just be signals that you’re fine just as you are. As a result, prospective partners might believe that they should keep on walking, since odds are they won’t measure up to your standards.
This is actually sounds so familiar. When my older sister was still single she put wall of her self and guys thought that she has a standard when it comes to men. But when she tried to go dating and let those guy court him then she found her husband.
2~You Project Incomplete
On the opposite end of the spectrum are those of us who have spent our lives preparing for the perfect mate. Trouble is, what you see as preparing may seem to others like waiting … Translation: you’ve put yourself on hold in hopes of finding someone to complete you. The trouble with that mentality is that a great partner will enhance your life, but they can’t complete you … only you can do that for yourself.
And until you do, you may continue to scare off otherwise great matches who perceive you as desperate and/or don’t want the pressure your choices imply (marry me now!). So, if you’re still living at home well out of your twenties with a hope chest of housewares in the basement for when you meet ‘the one,’ it’s time to consider getting on with it already. The more you risks you take for yourself and your own good, the greater rewards you’ll reap in love and in life.
3~You Actually Want to Be Single
Lastly, you may be out every Friday, on three different dating sites and putting the word out to your friends that you’re open to (nay, eager for) fix-ups, but believe it or not, there’s a good chance that you actually like your life just as it is. Clues that this is the case? Choosing people you know in your gut aren’t for you to go out with anyway — just to ‘kill time,’ and then rejecting other potential quality dates for reasons unknown — even to yourself.
It’s ok if you want to be single, but if you don’t (and you’re acting like this), take a second and ask yourself what’s really going on. Fear (of being hurt, of being vulnerable, of commitment… of anything) can seem overwhelming, but only by facing yours will you have any chance of finding happiness with someone else.
So, single ladies out there like me and my sister maybe this information will give the answers of your question why you are still single. So, read it and don’t blame God for you single life hehehe just kidding.
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I am the youngest in the family but with my situations right now seems like I am the eldest. My siblings moved out from our house when they graduated high school and got a job in the place where they spent their college days. I stayed at home with my parents and then just few years ago my other sister moved back home. I’m in my mid-twenties already and most of my friends are married now. My parents was wondering when me and my sister going to get married. When I got an invitation from my other friends wedding I don’t understand the electric feeling that went through my spine. All of a sudden I felt so alone and lonely because once she is married she can’t hang out with us that often. I am happy for her and her future husband though that’s why I help her look for a place to where they can order cheap invitations for their wedding. We actually checked online and we found a websites that offers discounts on wedding invitations as well as cheap party favors and others. You can get a cheap invitations and stylish too at their sites. I’m happy I able to help with her wedding preparations. I still have one older sister whom I look forward to get hitch someday. She will be turning thirties soon and definitely not getting any younger.