Sky Watch friady! Enchanted kingdom

Located at Enchanted kingdom! afternoon sky,Hot!

Actually this pic was from my friend.. i just kind of borrow it from her.. it was there 19th anniversary of their company, they celebrate it in enchanted kingdom. i haven’t took pic at the sky lately…so here it is..


Friday Fill Ins.

So…here we go!

1. Why does living is hard.

2. I don’t want to be scared to see the world.

3. Thank you for the music! ;-).

4. Christmas is my favorite holiday because i got to eat all the food i want and the feeling is different, Warm.wink! .

5. I am SO bored and pretty ;-) .

6. ??? make up our minds to be.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to going to Night cafe to watch some bands playing and eat some Street food. Yummy!, tomorrow my plans include Washing my cloths and maybe go to mall with my sister to watch a movie and Sunday, I want to attend the Sunday mass, Hopefully!



I can’t choose of anything because i loved all of it… :-) Peace!!!


Red Christmas Decor..

32 days left to go.. and its Christmas!Christmas!Christmas, every year my mother sees to it that we should decorate our house, she want to buy a christmas three but its expensive, so we just bought this red decor to replace the Christmas tree.

Anyways the important thing i that we are all happy. Advance Merry Christmas everyone…


Pocket Book Collection

My entry for this BLUE MONDAY hosted by Miss Smiling Sally..

This are my sisters Tagalog Pocket Book Collection, Its a series actually, they are so gaga about this stuffs. maybe If they will be given a choice… Food over this Stuff??? i Guess they will probably choose this one for sure and not just that she reads it like forever..Heheheh Tsk3x…