Love yourself

Loving this quotes and i want to share it to my blog so that if anyone who read it will feel good to theme self again. It is true that you have to forgive yourself of every mistake you make because it will not be a mistake if you know it already it will be a choice and you will never learn from it instead you will just prepare yourself or anticipate the result.



Love Pet love

Here is prince charming image
My sister shahz have him since 2010.. He is turning five years old next year. My sister love him so much and she always reminding me to take good care of him because she works in Kuwait. I always send her picture and videos and if we chat i always make sure that she will see him in cam, pets are like family my sister even tell me that prince is her baby, thats how we love our pets. in this blog and even my sister you can read almost about our pets because we want to share the happiness that they gave to us. for you to know prince is the one who comfort my sister when she had her first heartbreak and prince also help her if she feels homesick. I check pet blog If i have the time and wants to create for prince charming so that my sister will see him more often. If we cant chat at least she is updated about the things that happens to her pet prince. Ive been thankful to the new technology lately because we can create and make good things though internet and blogging and can reach the un reachable. We can express our feelings to it and we are enjoying as well.


Dream room

If only i have the money i will re decorate my room into something like this image image Nice right?? Sad to say money is hard to earn so ill just let myself looking at it and wishing in a bright star that someday it will come true.. Heheheh :)


Life abroad.

Our youngest sister is working in meddle east for almost three years now. She had her vacation last year and we talk so many things about the life, people and the culture and tradition of the meddle eastern people.

This country is rich in oil which leads them to have a blissful country. There people are will supportive by their government that they can buy anything and even if they don’t like to work they still receive money from the government. The nice thing in meddle east is that they don’t pay taxes which means there cost of living is not that expensive.

I even remember my sister talking about if only she can buy a car and send it to the Philippines through best cargo shipping company It will be good if we don’t’ have to pay taxes also maybe life will be better, and my father will have the best smile ever while driving that car. But sad to say life is unfair she cant’ do it because she only have small salary so better just send some goodies through what we called balik bayan box and still use the service of a cargo company to send that goodies to my family back in the Philippines.


Expressing my emotions.


I really feel that physically I’m getting older, my stamina and energy is not the same as my teens age, i easily get tired, irritated, and bored. I work 12-13 hours a day and its physically demanding it has lots oh walking, standing and talking which means all my body parts are functioning, everyday i feel so exhausted. now most of the time i am thinking if my body is getting older why is that mentally i feel so young, i experience many trials in life, such as failures in my chosen career and love life but i don’t know if i learn anything from all of it. At my age now i am still single and my work is i don’t know if i can call it a career, i feel that i am struggling from something that i can’t figure out.