A lingering thought on “Child Psychology” class

With an on-going exam, I should be studying right now and just sit aside those things that don’t matter at the moment. The school that I’m “in” is not the best or the second or even the 3rd best-est school in town. If you don’t have the enough resources just stick to the one you can afford to, in my case, my family can afford to.

I don’t know where I am headed at the moment. But anyways, it just came over me what our last lesson about Child Psychology. The discussion is about Prenatal (which I don’t like (personal matter) Hehe). The teacher ask us about the connection of “prenatal to adolescence”? I got confuse! Is it because when you are in your adolescence the possibility of being pregnant (to female) or getting someone pregnant (to male) is just lurking under their pants? The teachers explanation or discussion about the topic got me confuse all the more.;;;

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