Love Pet love

Here is prince charming image
My sister shahz have him since 2010.. He is turning five years old next year. My sister love him so much and she always reminding me to take good care of him because she works in Kuwait. I always send her picture and videos and if we chat i always make sure that she will see him in cam, pets are like family my sister even tell me that prince is her baby, thats how we love our pets. in this blog and even my sister you can read almost about our pets because we want to share the happiness that they gave to us. for you to know prince is the one who comfort my sister when she had her first heartbreak and prince also help her if she feels homesick. I check pet blog If i have the time and wants to create for prince charming so that my sister will see him more often. If we cant chat at least she is updated about the things that happens to her pet prince. Ive been thankful to the new technology lately because we can create and make good things though internet and blogging and can reach the un reachable. We can express our feelings to it and we are enjoying as well.

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