Slothful Days

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When I open this blog and notice that it was weeks ago the last time I updated this blog. Well, I never really tried harder to update all the blogs that is in my care. I wanted to but the energy wasn’t there. I am thankful for the sister who send vitamins few days ago through her friend (no connection??), I just wanted to say thank you, hehehe. Anyways, back to being sloth like lately. My reason is the same as those who are (is) saying, “it is because of the weather” (if there are any, lol). The weather here is a bit cloudy and doing something like cleaning, cooking and writing are forceful and very slowwwww. I was planning to make a doghouse using a bamboo for my two dogs is still a plan because I am being lousy and tired of doing it. Need more energy and very effective inspiration to achieve what I must achieved in the coming days. (sign ;-/)

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