Sister’s Fashion For Rings

Since the sister already gave the gold ring to my sister. She bought this silver ring for herself as an accessories to her fingers and a replacement to the old one. She is not really that picky with accessories but she like this new silver ring because it is more of her taste. The old one is a gold more like an engagement ring with a diamond on it and this one, the one she is wearing the photo below is more like a band ring and a bit thicker and more silvery and it’s perfect for her finger. She bought this few months after she arrive in Kuwait. She said It’s nicer and cheaper there.

Here it is, I don’t really have a photo on this inside the box because she wear it after paying it to the cashier (I assumed). hehehe

This is one way of buying memorable stuff while she still working and receiving monthly salary. A good investment and remembrance for her hard work.

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