Home Alone

Since I was little until last year. I never had a chance to live alone, I always have companion. Even when I went to college. My first year in college I live with my aunt in San Carlos, then when I transfer to Cebu I live with my sister and if my sister is out of town or having fun out of town I stay with my relatives. And when my sister flew to America I decide to resign to my job and come back to cagayan to live with my parents because my salary is not enough to rent the apartment we live in that time. And now or since last year I’m alone in my parents house with the pets of course and no jobs is not bad at all. Thank God for blogging, I earn a little for my personal needs and sometimes pets needs heheehe. And if I think about it now, I should have learn to live alone a long the ago, when the time I still have job so that I can adjust right away with my situation and getting married is not even a solution. Well might as well enjoy my being alone and learn from it, think of it as an adventure in life, what do you think?

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