Cold and Windy Today

Since this morning the weather is kind of different, I sleep late last night so I wake up also late and was surprise to hear our ceiling again make the same noise like when sendong hit CDO. And I was thinking if I can still go to the event that I was invited. Where all the members of CDO Bloggers, Bisdak bloggers and Mom bloggers are there to meet with the people GeiserMaclang Marketing Communication, Inc to help build CDO after typhoon sendong. I still considered myself new in blogging so I still don’t know most of the members, I only know few of them and was thankful that they invited me to come and join their group to participant in that event. They have a nice plan to make the City of Friendship progress again. So, despite the cold and windy weather today I went to mallberry hotel to join them. Help in anyway I can in the coming days and for future plan for CDO.

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