Already Pack-up and Ready to Move
The baggage we bring to Gensan, excluding in the photo the foam matters and motorcycle.
My mother went to General santos last month and ever-since she arrived she’s been packing all their things. Clothes, shoes and all the things she will bring to their new home are already ready and taking care off. She’s been busy folding the bed foam, looking for bag to put all their things and to think that they have to talk to the Van owner first for the transportation because my father wants to bring his motorcycle to gensan too. Imagine, my mother pack I don’t know how many traveling bags including the electric fan and some kitchen utensils and a motorcycle in a van. I don’t know if all of that baggage will fit in the van plus the 3 of us. Do you think this all fit in inside the van? I’m crossing my fingers again because we’re moving tomorrow evening. I’m excited to visit gensan for the first time also and hoping to spend a little time with my niece and nephew who live in gensan and Davao.