Friday Fill.Ins
Hi! I’m back again, joining Friday, hehe and aside from an on and off situation, my entry also is late, my apology to the creator.
And…here we go!
1. The only question is Where the hell is my Lucky charms? I need it badly LOL.
2. Trying my best to finish the assign task in one day.
3. Three things on my desk: Telephone set, empty bottle;e of alcohol and a remote control.
4. Staying in front of my laptop is the one thing I HAVE to do today!
5. I love playing with my dog prince, bullying and disturbing him in his sleep whehehehe.
6. okay? overwhelms the senses.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to ….?, tomorrow my plans include ….? and Sunday, I want to rest my senses if possible.!