Sunday Stealing: The “You Can’t Be Missed” Meme, Part 3

Cheers to all of us thieves!

31. What is your absolute favorite dessert?
~~ Fruit Salad And Mango float..yum!yum!~~
32. What can someone do to make you smile, no matter what?
~~ Treat me to dinner and movies~~
33. What do the hip people think of you?
~~ I really don’t know! ~~
34. What was the last gift you bought someone?
~~ A belt for my BF. ~~
35. What was your favorite class in high school?
~~ Hehe! Recess! I love to standby at the canteen. ~~
36. How many spouses would be about right?
~~ One is enough ~~
37. What would you say was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
~~ When i told this guy for the first time that i like him and he just ignore me the next day..Wahuhu, never do that again ever., I was in high school that time.~~
38. Have you ever donate money to charity?
~~ Does it matter? ~~
39. Has porn ever had a positive place in a current or recent relationship?
~~ ha? (what?)~~
40. Would you ever dump the one you’re with for someone who makes an obvious play and is MUCH hotter?
~~ Honestly! No, don’t have enough time and energy Lol ~~
41. Have you ever disowned one of your relatives?
~~ Yes, many times. ~~
42. Would you think it’s OK to cheat on someone if they’ve already cheated on you?
~~ I don’t think that’s nice, definitely not OK ~~
43. Did you ever consider becoming a teacher?
~~ Yeah! after learning that looking for a permanent and stable job is hard to achieved. ~~
44. Would you ever give a hitch-hiker a ride somewhere?
~~ No, I don’t have a car and FYI i don’t even know how to maneuver a Bicycle.~~
45. Would you ever try fasting for a whole week?
~~ I already done that so many times, Lol, yeah why not im use to it anyway.~~

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