BC Bloggers Secrets
I am not a stay at home mom nor working woman but I am busy and don’t have time to exchange links. The thing is I don’t own a computer, I have to go to the internet cafe to check my mail, play FV or other games at FB and do my blogging job. As a matter of fact we are four sisters updating this blog. My other sisters have their own computer so they help out updating our blogs. My other sister has lappy and she let us borrowed and used her lappy if she is in the mood of sharing. Anywho, I am a BC blogger and big shout of thank you to Paula of Mommy Diary for starting this great idea. She is a genius as she is the only one who ever thought of this great ideas as well as the hardwork to gather all the links of the bloggers who wanted to be part of it. Click on the badge if you think you are a BC Bloggers. Check out in my side bar the 2nd batch of BC Bloggers.

If you want to know the secret of BC blopggers here they are;
Here at BC Blogger’s Secret we don’t have to BEG for links.
Here at BC Blogger’s Secret all the people you will meet are willing to exchange links with you.
Here at BC Blogger’s Secret the steps are so FAST and EASY.
Here at BC Blogger’s Secret you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.